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Showing posts from 2015


Last Day of School with 2LY

Dear 2LY,   It has been a very fun 2 years with all of your. All of u are special in ur own way and this lakes up one big LY family. I will really miss u all because all of us will be in different classes next year. I hope that u guys will make new friends but also do not forget us in LY. 勿谄富,勿骄贫,勿厌故,勿喜新 See u guys in Sec 3 next year and I wish u all the best in 2016 with your new classmates. Will definitely miss many of you. Thank You for the wonderful lessons and memories. Love U All! Loyal Outgoing Youthful Awesome Loving Talkative Yet Rewarding Regards, Ying Jie
Yesterday, we had a lot of fun. Hoped U guys enjoyed it. Lets talk about cycling first, good for Rina. she learned in less than 30min which broke my record. Chermaine, well, I just want to say, GOOD JOB! U can improve with practice. Beautiful Legs I feel so sorry for Chew. Me and Rina went to the playground to play while you were there learning and practicing. But then when we came back, it was raining so... Sorry Charmaine. Chin  ❤️ Chew Thanks for enjoying my Mum's food. I know it was the best. I tell you canteen food not nice right? Hope that your would come again. Always give excuse saying mt house very far then you dun want come lah. Lip-Sync Battle Who ask U to Love Ur hair Centre Parking Chew... HAHA Pedo-ing LASTLY, MY 2 BFFs...
The Return of the Superman 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 Triplets: Daehan Minguk Manse
「思文敗類」 My Favourite
《 今晚睇李》 「玩嘢王」李思捷曾向圈中好友設下形形色色的整蠱陷阱,雖說為「被玩者」及觀眾們帶來無限的驚喜與歡笑,但同時亦「得罪」不少朋友,無不對他避之則吉。思捷「知衰」決定「大洗底」,正正經經擔起主持大旗,發揮搞笑本色,以「正當」方式娛樂觀眾。在每個週日晚上送上最新娛樂資訊,呈獻集清談、音樂、趣劇、遊戲及資訊於一身的全新節目《今晚睇李》。 思捷的「好兄弟」單立文(豹哥),原來是促使他「洗底」的關鍵人物,當然要助他一臂之力!「兩兄弟拍住上」組成「思文敗類」,「扮鬼扮馬」合演趣劇,將乏味的日常生活「玩轉再玩轉」,發放笑彈!思捷每集均會請來歌、影、視等不同領域的好友擔任嘉賓,分享他們的最新作品、發展動向及工作中的趣事,為觀眾提供最新的娛樂資訊。 思捷為答謝嘉賓賞面來臨,奉上精緻飲品作款待,更為他們度身訂造一系列精彩的遊戲,而嘉賓們則會以現場表演作回禮。豹哥更會擔任Band Leader,與樂隊「Palwerful Band」因應現場氣氛,即席奏出動聽樂曲,再加上喜感十足的喬寶寶,不 時與嘉賓及觀眾互動,求令一眾嘉賓好友盡興而歸之餘,觀眾也看得「過癮」!
Smooth Talker 以和为贵 Videos Theme Song: 側田 / 李思捷 - 出口 Trailer
Smooth Talker 以和為貴 Original Poster Summary: Hau Tak-sze (Joe Ma) has recently inherited his late father's social club, besides managing the club he also works full-time as a court mediator. He meets Mo Sui-yee (Kate Tsui), who is in the process of divorcing her cheating ex-husband, during one of his cases. Sui-yee moves into her aunt Lam Ah-lui's (Elena Kong) home during her divorce, she soon finds out that her ex-husband's lover also lives in the same building as her aunt. Since Tak-sze visits the building frequently Sui-yee thinks both him and her ex-husband's lover are in cohorts together to try to gain her property from her divorce. Mo Sui-yee gets a job at Au Yeung-ai's (Johnson Lee) law office, Tak-sze also visits the law office frequently because he is best friends with Yeung-ai. Through her boss and new job, Sui-yee learns that Tak-sze is truly a nice guy who works hard at his job. Cast: Joe Ma 馬德鐘 as  侯德仕 Kate Tsui  徐子珊...