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Movie Review (1)


Before you start reading, let's watch a Movie Trailer.

LOL... and Yes, I watched Cinderella. :P

"Have Courage, Be Kind" - Cinderella

Anyways, I watched this yesterday, felt that it was good to review it. We all know that Cinderella was an animation adapted into film. Rite? Personally, I like Cinderella. V.MUCH. But after this... OMG!

Firstly, let's talk about the characters.

Cinderella played by Lily James

She is not very pretty. But not as ugly as my mum said. SO SO LORH. But then, the cartoon Cinderella much much prettier and elegant. In the course of the movie, she only have like 5 different outfits which is terrible, like she never change clothes like that. Sad life... :(

The Prince played by Richard Madden

Wah... Damn ugly leh. His name was like Kit (as in Kit Chan) or IDK Kid, as what his father would call him. Totally not 配 enough for Cinderella. His ship name with Cinderella is like Kitella, which sounds like Nutella. Even Nutella the packaging nicer than him. The only attracting thing about him is his blue eyes.

The Meanies played by IDK who

超级 Meanies Siah... OMG! The step mother is so mean. But the step sisters are just like accomplice like that. Back the mum up. 我们是一家人要互相支持。So help to bully the poor Cinderella together.

It is the exact same as the cartoon. Only that it was played by real people. No twist. No nothing. Just plain old Cinderella. Maleficent was so much nicer. I was v.boring. Even more boring than the original one. I literally slept in the cinema. So NOT advised to watch.

Overall Rating:

But I  still had fun watching it with my friends. Thanks Jia Xuan, Rina and Devy for making this a wonderful evening. SO MUCH PICTURES!!!!!!


OMG! Chilam!


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